Dimension 4: Professional Growth

Reflection: A New Instructional Strategy 

At the beginning of the school year, I was determined to figure out a  way to become more confident with inquiry based instruction.  It has obviously proven to be a successful method of teaching and with its use, I knew I would become more effective.  

I was extremely uncomfortable when I first used this strategy because I have never observed it being done.  It was a slow process for us all but it was an awesome learning experience.  Their willingness to learn is what drives my instruction and is what assists me in being a more effective teacher.
My assessment of this strategy was purely through both experience and the observation of my students' ownership over what they were learning. They direct the instruction and I am merely there to provide experiences and guide them toward what they are expected to learn. Powerful.

Reflection: Most Meaningful Professional Experience 

The most meaningful professional learning experience this year, by far, has been participating in the CCLC.  It has been an amazing experience working with my colleagues and learning from each of them.  When I went into this, I did not realize how powerful and meaningful these practices would prove to be. I witnessed my colleagues stepping out of their comfort zones and showing their true self because we all realized that it is only then when you can openly welcome advice and assistance from others.  A bond was forged and we now better understand how much we can learn from one another.

Through this experience, I was given the opportunity to step into a leadership role that directly related to my passion, working with other stakeholders to determine the best way to teach each individual child.  The more we collaborate the more we can accomplish and with the assistance of the CCLC's effective resources it makes that realization more acceptable.

My love for teaching has grown tremendously.  I had no idea I would be able to accomplish as much as I have in one year.  It was the experience of the CCLC that opened my eyes to world of opportunity for educators and because of it, I am now a more confident educator and leader.  This experience serves only as the foundation of  my professional growth and with it, my experiences through teaching will only be that much brighter.

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